7 Reasons to Wrap Your Car

Carolina Tint & Wrap Blogger • Dec 28, 2022

Are you wondering if you should have your car wrapped? Click here for seven great reasons to wrap your car that will have you convinced.

wrap your car

We get it, after some time the appearance of your car gets to be a little bit redundant. Or perhaps it's all of those dings and nicks in the body of it that are bothering you. There are plenty of reasons to wrap your car that you may have not even realized yet. 

Your vehicle is an extension of who you are. It's the object that gets you from one place to another safely. Driving a car you're not happy with isn't going to make you want to get in your car and head anywhere. 

If you've been considering a vehicle wrap, there are plenty of reasons that it's a great idea. Below, you'll find 7 reasons why wrapping your car is an option you're going to want to visit. 

1. A Long Last

When you paint a car you find that in a couple of months to a year there are spots on the body that are already chipping and discoloring. That time and payment you put in with paint is just going to cost you out of pocket sooner rather than later, again. With paint, you are constantly in need of touch-ups and fixing marks that might have been caused during the drying process. 

Wrapping your vehicle removes that constant need to have your car touched up again. Wraps are durable and last for quite a while. It is the long-lasting option that you've been looking for. 

2. Boost Your Vehicle Value

It's no secret that the value of your car goes down the second it is driven off of the lot. As you drive, there are little things that occur to put little dings and dents further into the value of your vehicle. Before you know it, you can see visible deductions as to what your car would cost if you were to decide to sell it. 

Wrapping your car is a way to gain back part of that value. A high-quality vehicle wrap boosts what your car is worth. The protective coating creates a layer that seals in any damage that might have shown through with a paint job. 

3. Better and More Options

If you're a person who likes self-expression and individualism then you have probably already considered wrapping your car. It can be a unique way of expressing yourself and finding many more options than what you would have when painting. Wrapping your car allows you to work with and find the right wrap for you. 

Vehicle wrap options can be anything from simple standard colors to colors that have a bit more of an individual look. 

4. Removal Is Easy

When you remove paint, there are substances used that can further damage the car. Paint removal consists of chemicals that eat away at the layer of paint and oftentimes it doesn't even come off completely. Paint can be completely patchy when you try to remove a layer of it. 

Unlike paint, the removal of a vehicle wrap is easier. Professionals know how to eat up the wrap to just the right temp to remove it precisely without damaging your car. The adhesive remover is a simple and safe process that will leave your car in a good condition rather than continuing to look patchy and unkempt. 

car wrap installers near me

5. Keep From Chipping

One small tent in the paint of your car can lead to chipping. Before you know it, a whole area of your car suddenly has no paint. Or, a small area of chipping paint leads to rust that slowly ruins your car. 

A car wrap keeps your car intact, it is a way to prevent the spread of a chip safely for your vehicle. A wrap acts as protection for your car, sealing it in until you choose to remove the wrap yourself. 

6. Better Quality Than Most Paints

The quality of most paint jobs isn't always what you hope for when you pay for it. When it comes to a vehicle wrap your car is better protected. Wraps don't suffer the same damage as paint does. Instead, these wraps are longer lasting and much more vibrant. 

Wraps can offer high quality that a paint job would not be able to offer for you. Wraps are a way of dressing up your car and protecting it at the very same time

7. A More Affordable Cost

The price of painting a car can be outrageous. Then if you think about it, all too often you have to re-paint said car in just a couple of years. Having to paint your car over and over get expensive, it can cost you thousands of dollars to keep repainting. 

Deciding to wrap your car lasts longer than a paint job would. On top of it, that cost isn't something that you're going to need to repay frequently unless you decide that the style isn't one you want to look at anymore. 

When it comes down to it, choosing to wrap your car is a better deal than if you were to keep painting it. 

Time to Make an Appointment to Wrap Your Car

If you're looking for a way to change your car up in a way that better fits your preferences, it's time to wrap your car. Take all of these reasons into consideration before you go back to the thought of painting your car. Instead, look into these vehicle wrap options and find the one that fits your car best. 

Ready to make your appointment already? Get in touch with us for a time and estimate! Carolina Tint & Wrap are ready to get you comfortable in your car sooner rather than later. 

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